About Thomas Maikowski

A leader in the cause of Catholic education as well as a knowledgeable and highly regarded Administrator for a dynamic Arizona parish, Father Thomas Maikowski’s efforts on behalf of parochial schools in the Southwest continue to inspire and motivate educators and communities. Having served as the Director of Education, a role from which he retired in 2004 after nearly 30 years of experience, Father Thomas Maikowski directly oversaw the coursework, spiritual atmosphere, and management of a number of Catholic primary and secondary schools. The work accomplished by Father Thomas Maikoswki in this role proved very successful, resulting in increased enrollment and improved curricula.Having amassed his own impressive academic career, it makes sense that Father Thomas Maikowski would place so much emphasis on educating the young people of the parishes and diocese he has served. A graduate of St. Francis de Sales College, Father Thomas Maikowski received a Bachelor of Arts in Theology from that school before earning a Bachelor of Arts in Social Science from Notre Dame College. Later, Father Thomas Maikowski pursued a number of graduate degrees, including a Master of Science in Secondary Education from St. Francis College, a Master of Arts in Special Religious Education from Cardinal Stritch College, and a Master of Divinity in Pastoral Theology from Kenrick Seminary. Father Thomas Maikowski also holds a Master of Education in Elementary School Administration from Marquette University, a Doctor of Philosophy in Education from Saint Louis University, and a Doctor of Education from the University of San Francisco.

Recently retired from the United States Air Force, where he served for 25 years as a reserve Catholic chaplain at Kirtland Air Force Base and 18 years as a Admissions Liaison Officer for the United States Air Force Academy, Father Thomas Maikowski currently enjoys the close-knit community of parish life as Administrator for the Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Page, Arizona.

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